2Tomatoes Games
Indie publisher
2Tomatoes Games is a board game publisher based in the city of Girona in Spain.
- Founded in 2016 by Álvaro Lerma, Jordi Rodríguez
c. Cima 8, Sant Julià de Ramis.
17481 Girona
⭐ Iconic games
Peak Oil
New Corp Order
Idus Martii
🚩 After sales service
To contact 2Tomatoes Games after-sales service, go to their official website.
🖋️ Editorial slant
Prise en main facile avec des mécaniques avancées et une attention particulière pour la direction artistique.
🛠️ Activity
Création et localisation
Publisher updated the 23/01/2023.
🖋️ Propose a modification
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