Rouge Neige
Indie publisher
Montpellier edition, anchored in an ecological and social approach. Games that allow anyone to find their way around and feel represented! All made in France! :)
- Fait avec le coeur, pour plaire au vôtre !
- Founded in 2023 by Audrey Bondurand
6bis boulevard Berthelot
34070 Montpellier
Hérault, France - 07 69 18 94 51
- rougeneige.editions@gmail.com
⭐ Iconic games
🚩 After sales service
To contact Rouge Neige after-sales service, go to their official website.
🖋️ Editorial slant
D'une part des jeux familiaux et accessibles facilement, et d'autre part des jeux un peu plus complexes ou aux thèmes plus matures !
🏷️ Distribution
The games of Rouge Neige are distributed in shops by JeuDeLire.
⚙️ Manufacture
Games printed in France.
Publisher updated the 17/04/2024.
🖋️ Propose a modification
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To our delight, board games are becoming increasingly popular. To facilitate their discovery and allow everyone to meet and play together, we make this free map available to as many people as possible. If this is useful to you, you can help by supporting our work!