Dormant publishing house 🌙
Attention, it seems the publishing house Superlude is no longer active since 2023! If you have more information, you can let us know by suggesting an update to this entry.
Indie publisher
Superlude is a board game publisher based in the city of Montgeron in France.
- Des jeux malins, simples et beaux
- Founded in 2013 by Antoine Davrou
93 Q avenue de la République
91230 Montgeron
Essonne, France
⭐ Iconic games
Lutèce, Kenjin, Tralalaa, Tanuki Market
🚩 After sales service
To contact Superlude after-sales service, go to their official website.
🛠️ Activity
Création et localisation
🏷️ Distribution
The games of Superlude are distributed in shops by Pixie Games.
Publisher updated the 06/10/2024.
🖋️ Propose a modification
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