Victoire is a board game publisher based in the city of Châteauneuf-les-Martigues in France.
- A vous de jouer !
- Founded in 2021 by Marianne Planchais, Sophie Planchais, Thomas Niesor et Loïc Ginet
4 avenue Renoire
13220 Châteauneuf-les-Martigues
Bouches-du-Rhône, France
⭐ Iconic games
🚩 After sales service
To contact Victoire after-sales service, go to their official website.
🖋️ Editorial slant
Des mécaniques et thématiques qui amènent, de nouvelles personnes, à découvrir les jeux de société modernes, et que des joueurs plus initiés apprécient pour l'immersion et l'ambiance.
🛠️ Activity
🏷️ Distribution
The games of Victoire are distributed in shops by Matagot, Surfin'Meeple.
⚙️ Manufacture
Games printed in France - Pologne.
Publisher updated the 14/08/2024.
🖋️ Propose a modification
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To our delight, board games are becoming increasingly popular. To facilitate their discovery and allow everyone to meet and play together, we make this free map available to as many people as possible. If this is useful to you, you can help by supporting our work!