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Logo Fête du jeu 2024

2024Edition 2024

  • Fête du jeu
  • Sunday, June 2, 2024
  • Mairie
  • Herrlisheim près colmar
  • France
Official poster Fête du jeu 2024

The poster for the 2024 edition has not yet been unveiled! 🙀

Add the 2024 poster

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Fête du jeu 2024

Fête du jeu is a board game festival in Herrlisheim près colmar.

Next edition

  • Sunday, June 2, 2024
    From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Free admission
  • Mairie
    68420 Herrlisheim près colmar, France

Past editions

  • Poster of the 2023's edition is missing 😿

    Affiche officielle Fête du jeu 2023

Festival updated the 13/03/2024.
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To our delight, board games are becoming increasingly popular. To facilitate their discovery and allow everyone to meet and play together, we make this free map available to as many people as possible. If this is useful to you, you can help by supporting our work!

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